Hope of a New LifeThe concept of Villa Martha is a dream that was born from the 70's in the heart and mind of a Peruvian family, beginning to be realized in late 1996 by purchasing a piece of land, which would later serve as a start of the construction of the Charity. We can now say that this dream is a reality that gave shelter, protection, tenderness, love and education to over 700 children and adolescents.
The realization of this project was not easy. The road was long and hard. There were very important decisions to be made on this road. For this, the advice and support of the Nazarene Sisters Co-Founders of this Charity, in my constant visits to the Lord of Miracles. Also in this way, I always found understanding and support from my sister Margot who lived like me all the experiences. I believe the Lord knows what you have in your heart and the forces that you have to reach this goal.
Today we talk about a 28 year-old work where 250 children find peace and higher life expectancy. In this now realized dream, many years have passed but always prevailed the desire to serve others by helping the abandoned and neglected children.
This work is devoted entirely to them and for no reason can this goal be changed, not in present nor future times. Children are the moral owners of this institution which was formed as a non-profit organization with the goal of protecting and maintaining children (boys and girls) and adolescents who are morally or materially abandoned.
My spirit grows in seeing the happiness that Villa Martha bring many children, today, tomorrow and always, with the indulgence of my Mother in Eternity.
Roberto Cahuas