Hope of a New LifeSanta Martha Foundation (SMF) is a nonprofit institution dedicated to protect the children at risk in Peru. We offer shelter, education, moral and spiritual support to children in poverty through programs focused on giving them a better quality of life. The main reason of our work is to allow them to have an integral development and ensure they have their rights respected, always with a high grade of commitment, kindness and efficacy.
Through the Integral Familiar Center "Villa Martha - Hope of a new life", we work in order to give protection and wellbeing to the poorest Peruvian children. Our goal is to give them the opportunity to obtain access of education and keep them safe of the moral and physical violence they could be exposed to in their social environment. Nonetheless, we do that without disconnecting them of their families. Our commitment is also to teach their mother or father (or both of them) how to be better parents, giving them the opportunity to find a job that allows them to improve the quality of life of their family, while their children stay with us, during weekdays.